So this is just a quick post about the versatile blogger award, i'd like to just thank for nominating me, it was super lovely of her :) I haven't had my blog for long at all but even so it was astounding to be recognized and you guys should definitely check out her blog - its so stylish and helpful plus she's just a lovely person. :)
- Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
- Let them know you have nominated them.
- Share 7 random facts about yourself.
- Thank the bloggers you who have nominated you.
- Add the Versatile Blogger Picture to your blog.
7 Random Facts About Me:
- I have such an unhealthy obsession with spending vast amounts of money.
- I'm only 17 years old.
- My dog is the most adorable thing ever.
- I would do anything to be a model.
- I love living in England.
- I don't have any special talents.
- My longest relationship was four years.
Nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award:
I realise here I'm lacking a bit, I've really not been on blogspot long enough to know loads and loads of blogs so I guess my nomination is anyone who is an up and coming blogger with a passion for beauty. I think we all deserve to be recognised so I nominate all of you. :) I'm a cheat but hey!
Thanks so much for reading and I will have another post coming up very soon.
Love you all!
-B x
Congrats on the award! :)