Tuesday, 3 September 2013

University Life - Saving on Accommodation Essentials

Hey guys,
So I'm off to the University of Manchester in a couple of weeks and honestly I've never realised how expensive life is before! I mean, I don't live in a hole and I know the resetion is taking it's tole but how do we enjoy student life when we can't afford it.

This post is going to share my top tips for furnishing those ever so dingy University Halls.

1. Take from home

This is a glaringly obvious option, you'll save a few pennies by pinching those old dishes from your parents cupboard but also think about decorations, you'll be wanting a few home comforts especially if you're going far from home so snag those fairy lights and a few old family photos, you're new abode will appreciate it as will you when the homesickness gets the better of you.

2. Ikea is not the answer

So I've been doing my fair share of University buys and I have to say Ikea is not always the best option, definately shop around a little to get the best deals. My personal favourite thrifty shop is Wilkinsons or 'Wilkos' it has a whole section for students and has a helpful list of the things you may or may not need, also you can order online which also saves you both a trip out and you can avoid the maze that is Ikea. For any kind of kitchen utensils from cutlery to dishes I'd definately give Poundland and B&M a whirl, they have some really cute and inexpensive bits about much cheaper than somewhere like Ikea.

3. Ebay it

Good ol' ebay, you can't go wrong with a good seller and some bargain prices, for anything like mugs, tea towels or even stationary ebay is an easy option. Even if you only find one thing on ebay it's one thing less you need to buy and the best thing is you can just get the bits and bobs sent to you saving the hassle of a stressful shopping trip.

4. Charity, charity charity!

My last little tip is mainly for the organised few of you, anything from makeup brush holders to jewellery boxes, charity shops are teeming with old vintage pieces that add a little class and cleanliness to your new room so next time you walk past one have a pop in, chances are you find a little jem for a few pounds.

5. Packing pieces

If you work in retail or you know someone who does instead of spending loads of dosh buying simple cardboard boxes to move all your things, just ask if you could have a few of the old ones which the clothes get delivered in. I work in a big clothes chain and this is exactly what I did and they happily handed over some big boxes all for FREE! It's worth a try and you could save a few pennies in the process.

6. University 'drives'

So at the end of each year you can imagine how many students don't want their old bits like pans, books, hangers, bedding etc etc. Check on your student union page to see whether the university are holding any drives where you can go and buy the useable bits for incredible prices, loads of my friends got their extras from there and it saved them a wad (which they will inevitably spend at freshers).

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